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Tag Archives: Sugar flowers

Silver and Gold, Good Enough To Win & Eat

Who doesn’t love the beautiful sparkle of gold and silver?  Though they are just metals, they are rather precious ones and make all things beautiful.

They are also no strangers to the world of food either.  Did you know, when pressed thin enough gold leaf, can be eaten too!  Well, for years silver and gold leaf have been used to decorate confectionery.  Now gold and silver leaf are applied to wedding cakes!  The effect is stunning and worth gracing any wedding table, in my opinion.

It’s been a while since any specials have run on the New York Cake Co. facebook page. So read below for your FREE giveaway!

For one fortunate couple I will create either or silver or gold leaf 6″ cake to share with your friends.  Just share your story of how you got engaged, when you got engaged and how the proposal went down.  The stories will be shared on the facebook page and the story with the most likes and comments wins!  Please email you stories and one photograph to

Looking forward to hearing and sharing your story.  🙂

Gold and Cream  Luxe cake

























Silver and Pink with lace and crystals